Trendshare: the Novice Investors Group

Has this ever happened to you?

You tell yourself "This time I really will start to invest." You get yourself ready. You pick up a book or two. You go online for a little more research... and then you find yourself lost and frustrated.

Everything you read is full of jargon you don't understand.

Everyone's talking about investments you think are risky and which scare you.

Everyone seems to have a lot more money and experience.

Everyone's day trading with exotic options and weird strategies.

Everyone's doing lots of crazy math in complicated spreadsheets.

Where do you—a novice investor—belong? Where can you go to learn about investing that's safe and intelligible, that respects you and your goals and wants to help you succeed?

A Safe Haven for Novice Investors

We built Trendshare for you. You're smart. You're dedicated. You worked hard for your money, and you want it to work hard for you. You're ready to learn how to invest on your own, to take control of your financial future.

We're different from other investment groups and sites out there. We welcome you. We're glad to get to know novices, but we're not going to handle your money for you. You're in charge of your own financial decisions, 100%.

At Trendshare, we believe:

  • It's okay not to know everything.
  • It's okay to ask questions.
  • It's okay to learn and make mistakes.
  • It's okay to discuss things in a safe and respectful way.

We believe that great investors are made, not born. People just like you made money in the stock market today. You can do it too. Our little group of novice investors is dedicated to understanding value investing, where a little research and a lot of patience pay off.

An Investors Group with Good Tools

Trendshare is about more than education and community. At its heart, we try to help you identify great companies you'd like to own—and then we find the right price at which to buy them.

As a member of Trendshare, you have access to our daily market analysis. We update all of the stocks we track, every day, with the freshest information about the health of their companies and the prices. Even better, you can choose the stocks you're most interested in—if it's not in our system, you can add it and we'll track it forever.

If you're looking for a site dedicated to smart, hard-working, novice investors like you, where it's safe and easy to learn about investing, and where we help you meet your goals—you've found it.

No unexplained jargon.

No complicated strategies.

No risky day trading.

No spreadsheets.

What could be better?

Start now with our free how to invest guide.