TEGNA Stock Price and Value Analysis

Should you buy TEGNA stock? (NYSE:TGNA). Let's see how it does in our automated value investing analysis system.

  • This company has an average dividend yield.
  • This stock looks overpriced.
  • This company has wild ups and downs.
  • This company is less known than others.
  • This company is making money at a modest rate.

Inside the TGNA Numbers

TGNA Price
(TEGNA stock price per share)
TGNA Fair Price
(based on intrinsic value)
TGNA Safety Price (based on a variable margin of safety) $4.35
PE Ratio versus Sector 35% lower than other Consumer Goods stocks
PE Ratio versus Industry 57% lower than other Broadcasting - TV stocks
Free Cash Flow Jitter 56%
Dividend Yield 2%
Shares Shorted 7,368,414

This stock has short interest! This means that people have shorted it.

Why does that matter? They've made a bet that price will decrease from where they bought it. Maybe there are financial problems, or maybe there's a value play.

As of the latest analysis, there are 7,368,414 shares shorted. With 221,323,680 shares available for purchase and an average trading volume over the past 10 trading days of 1,306,430, it would take at least 5.64 days for all of the short holders to cover their shorts.

Is TEGNA Stock on Sale?

We believe that TEGNA may be worth examining further. It's making money, which is a very positive sign. Is it on sale?

TEGNA looks overpriced right now. If you're looking for a bargain in the stock market, you should probably look elsewhere for a great deal. This might still be a great stock to own—but it's not on sale right now.

Should You Buy TGNA Stock?

Does TEGNA have a coherent story? Does it have a plan to continue to make money? Is it worth your time? Only you can decide where to go from here. Our investment guide helps you ask the right questions, including how to buy stocks. Use these research links for more information.